By default when you clone the workstation, the workstation will consist the same SUSClientID. This will cause a problem whereby the workstation will not report status/detected on WSUS server. To verify you can compare both machine by go to the registry
In order to fix this problem, i have created two script file
1. File:- clonewsus.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
2. File:-clonewsus.bat
@echo off
net stop "wuauserv"
Echo importing clonewsus.reg
%windir%\regedit.exe /s c:\clonewsus.reg
echo wsus.reg imported successfully
net start "wuauserv"
echo forcing update detection
wuauclt /detectnow
Copy both files to C:\drive. Execute file clonewsus.bat.
The script will stop the Windows Update services, go to registry and remove SusClientID and start back the Windows Update services. A new SusClientID entry will obtained. Command wuauclt /detectnow will trigger manual detection using the new SusClientId.
Wait 10-15 minute, Client should be visible in WSUS console.