1. You need create a share folder called "Windows Update" with share permission-Everyone -Read. eg, create a Window Update folder in different partition than system partition.
2. Go to Search folder and select Critical Windows Server 2008 Patches.
On the right side, you will see a list of critical Windows Server 2008 patches. Select all the patches, right click and select Deploy Software update.
3. Deploy software updates wizard is open. Enter the name as listed below
4. On deployment template, select All Critical Windows Server 2008 Patches which you have created in earlier guide
5. Choose to Create a Package, call it Critical Win2k8 Patches, point it to the Windows Updates share you created in step 1 and then select Binary Replication
6. Click Browse and select the SCCM distribution point server
7. Choose download software updates from the Internet
8. Select the English for your patches language. (subject to your need of language)
9. Choose As soon as possible and Do not set a deadline for software update installation
10. Leave NAP Evaluation as default and click Next
11. Review the summary and click next to confirm
12. The system will start to download the patches into the Windows Update share folder. (You need to wait for the system to download the patches)
13. Verify that the patches has downloaded into your Windows Update share folder. Go to your Windows Update folder and you will notice that some patches has appeared in the folder