1. Go to Control panel , Double Click Configuration Manager and click on Actions tab.
Click Initiate Action for:-
-Initiate Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle.
-Software Update deployment evaluation cycle
-Software Update Scan Cycle
2. On the Task bar will show Software Update installation icon. Double Click and you will see the progress of the installation.
3. To verify the software update installation, refer to Wuahandler.log which located in the C:\Windows\System32\CCM\Logs
Check the log for Update X finishing installing. reboot required.
4. You can also verify by going to Control Panel > Windows Update > Click View update history.
5.To verify that the patches is downloaded to client, please refer to C:\Windows\System32\CCM\cache
Relevant patches to the system is download and will store in C:\Windows\System32\CCM\cache.
6. On the SCCM server, you can refer to the reporting: Management 6:Deployment that contain update list. Select the Critical Win2k8 Microsoft - Update List.
The report will list the status of the patches (either installed, required, not required, unknown, failed, pending).
7.To check the software deployment status by using reporting. Refer to Enforcement states for deployment.
The report will show the status of software deployment status.
p/s:- The best option is refer to WUAHandler.log on each clients.
Once, you are satify and did not encounter any problem on the patches, you can start to deploy the patches to the production system.