Before start to create a deployment template for software update, first you need to create collection. It is a good practice to create 1 collection called Deploy Patches. Beneath the Deploy Patches collection contains:-
a. Test Group -contain a group of test machine which we use to perform testing. Patches must test first to avoid any problem / compatibility issue before deploy to production computers.
b. Final SUP deployment -Contain production system (workstation, server)
1. In Computer Management, right click on Collections and choose New Collection, create a new collection called Deploy Patches with no membership rules or advertisements.
2.New collection wizard is open. Enter the name "Deploy Patches"
3.On membership rules, leave it blank
Click Ok to accept the warning about No membership rules
4. On the Advertisement, leave it blank and click Next
5. On the security, leave it default value and click Next until the end
6. You've successfully created Deploy Patches collection
Repeat step 1 to 6 to create Final SUP Deployment,Test Group and Win2k8 Test Group as listed below
7. After you've created the collection, let assign one computer running Windows Server 2008 to Win2k8 Test Group. eg:StagingWin2k8.
Select Win2k8 Test Group, right click, select Properties and click on membership rules tab.
8. We will create a direct membership Select the computer icon.
9. Select the resource class, attibute name and value as listed below
10. On the collection limiting, select All systems collection
11.Select Stagingwin2k8 resources
12. Confirm the membership rules creation
13. You've created a direct membership rules
14. To Verify, select the Win2k8 Test Group. Our test machine called StagingWin2k8 is listed in the collection