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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Part 125:- Advertisement a program within software distribution

Once a package has converted to program and distribution point has defined, you can start to advertise the program to target collection. Now i will talk about last W- Who?

1. Expand software distribution and click on Advertisement. Right click, select New and choose Advertisement.

2. A new advertisement wizard is open. Enter the package name, select the package and choose your target collection which you will like to advertise your package.

3. On the schedule, select mandatory assignment is " as soon as possible" and set the priority to High.

4. On Distribution points, select the option "Download content from distribution point and run locally for client computer which connected within a slow and unreliable network boundary.

5. Customize the interaction by setting the interval to 5 minute.

6. Leave the security as default

7. Review the summary and click Next to start creating the advertisement.

8. Advertisement is created.

You've successfully created an advertisement. In the upcoming article, i'm going to verify the software distribution which i had advertise to Windows Vista collection.