1. Start by putting the CD. A splash screen System Center Essential 2007 Setup is open. Click on Full Setup on Install category.
2. Welcome wizard is open.
3. The wizard will perform pre-requisite installation to check your system. As you have refer to my previous guide, your system will pass the pre-requisite checker.
4. On the EULA license, accept the license agreement.
5. Enter your information and product key on the registration information.
6. On the installation option, specify the location of installation path and update file path.
7. On the SCE database, select option Use an exisiting local SQL Server instance and select database server.
8. On the SCE Reporting , select the server where you've install SQL Reporting features.
9. On the Administration Account, enter SCEAdmin which assign to domain admin rights. This account will use to gather operational data and perform actions such as installing and uninstalling agents on a managed computers.
10. Tick all error and usage reporting.
11. Review the summary before start the SCE installation.
12. Installation in progress.
13. On the Microsoft Update, click Visit Microsoft Update button to get the updates.
14. You will receive confirmation once the system is successfully installed SCE.
The system will prompt you to backup the encryption key as similar in Part 104:- SCOM. Please refer to that arcticle by click here .
If you encounter any problem during installation, pls proceed to %temp% directory and refer to this log files:- scereportingx.log and scesetupx.log
In next article, i will go through the post configuration for SCE 2007 SP1.
Stay Tuned...