1. On the package, expand Adobe Acrobat Reader package > select Program > Right click > New > Program
2. Enter the program name and enter the silent installation switches in the command line. Select Run as Hidden as we do not want user to view the installation process.
Here is the command line which i get for Adobe Acrobat Reader.
3. On the requirement, specify if the package require any free hdd space requirement and applicable for specific operating system. If not, leave as default option
4. On the environment variable, specify need the program to run whether or not user logged in.
5. Leave the advance setting as it is.
6. Since it is not a windows installer, leave the default option
7. On MOM maintenance option, leave everything uncheck.
8. Review the summary before click next to start create a program.
9. A program is successfully created.
After a program is created, you need to specify the distribution point.
In the next upcoming article, i will look into specify distribution point for the program Adobe Acrobat Reader.