In my previous articles,i have writen about how to perform Hyper V R2 Cluster 101. You may have limited hardware/ physical server to add as 2nd Node in the failover cluster. So here is another way to install Hyper V roles in the virtual image.
I have tested install Hyper V roles in full version of Windows Server 2008 (Enterprise and Standard -64x platform) but received an error message mention that "Unsupported features and you need to enable Hyper V features at the BIOS". The truth is "You can't install Hyper V roles" in the VM by using full version of Windows Server 2008.". But you can achieve it by install Server Core with legacy network. Do not select synthetic network adapter. If you select synthetic network adapter, you will not be able to see any NIC card after install the Hyper V roles.
You can try by typing the command
netsh interface ipv4 show interface
It will display the result: No NIC card.
Without wasting any time, here is the steps as promised.
Step 1: Install Server Core OS using legacy network adapter
Step 2: Rename the network adapter to public (LAN Communication) & private (for heartbeat)
netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection 2" newname="public"
netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection 3" newname="private"
Step 3: To verify the rename result
netsh interface ipv4 show interface
Step 4: Assign ip address to both network adapter
netsh interface ipv4 set address name="public" source=static address= mask= gateway=
netsh interface ipv4 set address name="private" source=static address= mask=
Step 5: Configure dns for public NIC
netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name="public" address= index=1
Step 6: To verify the ip address setting
ipconfig /all
Step 7: Rename server name
netdom renamecomputer %computername% /newname:HyperVCore01
Type 'Y' to confirm
Step 8: Join the server to domain
netdom join %computername% / /userd:administrator /passwordd:P@ssw0rd
Step 9: Reboot the server
shutdown /r /t 0
Step 10:Install the Hyper V role
start /w ocssetup.exe Microsoft-Hyper-V
Step 11: Reboot the server again
Step 12: Download, copy and install the Hyper V update (KB950050).
Step 13: Install Failover cluster roles
start /w ocsetup.exe FailoverCluster-Core
Step 14: Use the Failover Cluster snap in to add the 2nd Node
Even you can install the Hyper V roles in the VM, but you cannot run any VM from the virtual image. It is recommended to use physical server.
Finally: To remove Hyper V roles
start /w ocssetup.exe Microsoft-Hyper-V /uninstall
That's all. So basically, i have also covered some server core command line in this article.
Hope it is useful for you.