In this Part 103, we will look at Post-configuration after the installation.
Please follow below steps:-
Step 1: Add SCCM01 server to SMS Group.
Go to Computer Management > Users and Groups > Group
SMS_SiteSystemToSiteServerConnection_LAB and SMS_SiteToSiteConnection_LAB
Add the SCCM01 into both group by Select the group, Right Click and Add to Group, Enter SCCM01 name.
Note: If you install SCCM into the domain controller, you need to use Active Directory User and Computer rather than Computer Management snap-in.
Step 2:- Set the site boundary.
Open the Configuration Manager Console, Expand until Site Setting > Right Click > New Boundary
You can define boundary either by Active Directory site, IP Subnet, IPV6 Prefix and IP Address range. For our case, select Active Directory site and select your AD Site.
Network Connection set to Fast (LAN) as it is located in your LAN.
For any site located remotely, please use "Slow or Unreliable"
Step 3: Create 2 domain accounts
Go to Domain controller server and create 2 domain accounts: SMSAdmin -set with Admin right and SMSuser- set with User right using Active Directory User and Computers.
We will use these account later during next configuration.
Step 4: Configure site roles.
Go to Site Management > Site Setting > Site System.
here is the default roles after the configuration:-
a)SCCM01 server
b)SQL01 server
SCCM is divided into several roles.
a) Site System - The server on which you install SCCM software
b) Distribution Point - A central point where client connect to get update/package during advertisement.
c) Management Point - SCCM Clients do not communicate directly with the SCCM Site Server and vice versa. Instead all communication is facilitated via the Management Point.
d) Reporting Point - Create report. Provide web based reporting functionality.Only required if Reports need to be run on a particular Primary Site.
e) Server Locator Point - use when AD schema is not extended. Allow client to locate MP server.
f) Database Server -consist of database which store SCCM data. only required for Primary Sites and Central Sites
g) PXE Server point- The Site System that responds to any computers requesting deployment of their Operating System (OS), via a PXE request. Only required if Operating System Deployments (OSD), are going to take place using PXE boot requests.
h) Software Update point - Assigned to the computer running Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). Only required if the Software Updates feature is going to be used.
i) System Health Validator point - This role is assigned to the computer running the Network Policy Service.Only required if the Network Access Protection (NAP) feature is going to be used.
j) State Migration Point- Use during operating system deployment for assisting storing user state migration.
k) Asset Intelligence synchronization point- used to connect to System Center Online over TCP port 443 to manage dynamic Asset Intelligence catalog information updates.
l) Out of band management service point - provides powerful management control for computers that have the Intel vPro chip set and Intel Active Management Technology (Intel AMT).Out of band management allows an administrator to connect to a computer's management controller when the computer is turned off, in sleep or hibernate modes, or otherwise unresponsive through the operating system.
On this example:- Let try to add Server Locator and Reporting point roles.
Step 5: Configure Distribution and Management Point
Select SCCM01 server ,Double Click Distribution Point roles and Check Allow Client to transfer from this distribution point using BIT....
Step 6: Verify the Active Directory schema has extended.
Step 7: Verify SCCM site status
That's concluded Part 3: SCCM Post Configuration.
Stay tune for Part 4: SCCM 2007 SP1 Discovery Resources