However encountered an error message "Convert-WindowsImage only supports Windows 7 and Windows 8 Wim files"
which prevents us from proceed further.
Then we get Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 from Windows Server 2016 TP4 iso files. Mount the iso and copy Convert-Windows.ps1 from NanoServer folder. It consists of 3954 code of line only.
Execute below command to create a base image with the following details:
- Windows Server Standard Edition
- 60GB size
- Dynamic Disk
- VHD Partition Style -MBR
Convert-WindowsImage -SourcePath F:\iso\en_windows_server_2016_technical_preview_4_x64_dvd_7258292.iso -VHDFormat VHDX -Edition ServerStandard -VHDType Dynamic -SizeBytes 60GB -VHDPartitionStyle MBR -Verbose