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Friday, November 4, 2011

Error The library server certificate is not available on the client running the application when copy file to Private Cloud Library


Product:- System Center App Controller 2012 Beta

Problem:- Cannot copy file from Network share to Private Cloud Library.

Check on Job, found an error message 

The library server certificate is not available on the client running the application. Try contacting the administrator to install the certificate in the trusted people store of machine account or run the client with local machine administrator priviliges (Elevated) or try the transfer with -AllowUnencryptedTransfer parameter. (StatusCode: 24364–ClientMustBeAdministratorForHttps)



  1. In the App Controller console, expand the Settings node.

  2. Click Connections.

  3. Select the VMM server with the new library share from the list view.

  4. Click Refresh Certificates in the taskbar.