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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Moving Vmware Workstation Virtual Machines To New Location

Initially we have created several test virtual machines using Vmware Workstation 12 on C Drive. It was running fine till we are running out of space. So the only option is move to new location.

After we walk-through on Vmware Workstation Console, we cannot find export feature similar like Hyper-V. 

A bit disappointed for newbie of Vmware Workstation user. :)

Finally we managed to find a way to start your virtual machine on new location. You just need to perform the following steps:
1. Make sure entire virtual machines are turn off. Then move entire folder from C to D (new drive)
2. Open Vmware Workstation console. When you click on Virtual Machine, it will give an error message indicated "missing".

3. Just remove them from the library.
4. Use Open and select VM configuration from new location.

That should do the trick on how to move Vmware Workstation VM from one location to another location. This concept is similar like Move & Copy Hyper-V VM to another location.