Do you use android devices ? If yes, then you might interest on latest offering by Microsoft. They just released “Office Lens Android Preview” app . Initially this app only available for Windows Phone. Office Lens act like a scanner which allow you to snap a picture and convert it into either document, whiteboard or picture. Then you can edit which part is important and save it into your favorite format such as
- MS OneNote
- MS Word
- MS Power Point
- Gallery
and save into your OneDrive.
Below is sample of our testing on documents & drawing on whiteboard:-
OCR and convert into word document and include as images in case OCR information incorrect.
Edit the picture that would like to save.
End result in MS Word. Able to view the entire picture
It was very useful to us as consultant and you may want to check it out. To get it, follow this steps in sequence:
1. Go to Google+ and join as Office Lens for Android Preview Community:-
2. Apply to become tester:-
3. Lastly, download the app from here:-