1. You need to start by creating a protection group. Click on Protection and then select Create Protection Group in the Action pane.
2.A Welcome to the New protection group wizard appear.
3. We are going to backup Hyper V in the server host.Select "Server" option as your protection group type.
4. On the Group Member, Expnd Hyper V host and select Hyper V. Tick all the VM which listed as "Backup using child partition snapshot "
5.On the Data Protection Method, select Disk. We are going to store the backup using storage pool which you have defined earlier in previous article.
6. Specify the number of days for the retention range and select Modify button to change the backup schedule.
7. Review the disk allocation for the DPM storage Pool
8. On the Replica Creation method, select Automatically over the network and select Now. You must create a replica of the VM to store in the DPM before start the backup.
9.On the consistencey check option, select Automatically perform consistency check if the replica is inconsistent.
10. Review the summary before create a protection group.
11. Once you click Create Group, DPM will start to create a replica of the VM and backup entire VMwill start according to the schedule.
In next article, i'm going to look into restore a VM using DPM 2010 beta. Stay tuned.